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article 15 reasons you need a website redesign

15 Signs That You Need a Website Redesign

"What separates design from art is that design is meant to be... functional."

Every website deserves a great design, but a well-designed, user-friendly, optimized website will drive more traffic and keep visitors enganged while on your website. Websites should constantly evolve, and if you're having any of the troubles below with your current website, it may be time for a redesign.

1. It's been a while...more than 5 years old

If it's been a while since you've updated your website, it may be time to do so. The general timeframe for doing so is roughly five years. Trends and styles change all the time, which means you can't just let it stay outdated in any way, just as you wouldn't let your brick-and-mortar storefront deteriorate or become dated. The design should be attractive, the content should be up-to-date, and the message you want to deliver should be on-point with any strategies. Your website is often your first impression.

2. Your website looks busy, cluttered, or outdated

If your website is too busy, you'll turn visitors away the moment they catch a glimpse of your website. We all remember the crazy and whacky websites of the 90s. If you're website looks even remotely close to one of these pieces of nostalgia, you should consider an upgrade. A website that is too cluttered will confuse the visitor on your call-to-action or where to navigate next.

3. Your website is difficult to navigate

Certain pages on your website should always be easy to find for visitors. If a customer has to hunt for your top-level navigation such as your about page, products, services or contact page, this is a red flag that your website needs an update. Visitors want to find their information and be on their way. If they're unable to find the information they're seeking, they may not (being able to) reach out and go so far as to take their business elsewhere. On the other hand, Google or other search engines may also have difficulty navigating your website or how each page ranks in your site architecture. If visitors are frustrated by your website and Google can't index you well, what's the point of your current website?

4. You have security or software concerns

Website security may be the last thing on your mind, but for your customers or clients, it's a top priority. Software, web technologies, or even third-party plugins or extensions can become outdated as technology evolves. If there's any concern about the security of your website or website software, a redesign may be your best option rather than trying to plug the leak.

5. Your website still runs Flash

Adobe Flash could once make your website stand out from every other website. As technology evolved, Flash became obsolete as it can't function on mobile devices. It's also terribly difficult to update and can't be read by Google or other search engines. Would you rather look cool (in a late 90s kind of way) or be found by people searching for your products or services? 

6. Your website isn't optimized for mobile devices

A website that is responsive or mobile-friendly will automatically adjust to the screen resolution of the viewing device. If your website doesn't automatically scale so that it looks great on desktop all the way down to smartphones, you should consider a redesign immediately. You're already decade behind.
Nearly 60% of website views will be made from a mobile device.

It should be noted that Google will also penalize your for not being mobile-friendly as one of their main ranking factors is the user experience. This will make is much more difficult for you to rank well on Google when people search for products or services in your area.

7. Your SEO is low or non-existent

SEO is Search Engine Optimization, which is basically the practice ranking your website on Google and other search engines. If you aren't concerned with SEO, you should be. If people are having a hard time finding your or you aren't getting the traffic or leads that you expect from your website, this can be due to low or non-existent SEO.
Great web design without SEO is like a sports car with no engine.

If done correctly, your website can be your greatest resource for new and existing clients or customers. If done wrong, you've wasted a lot of time and money on a website that will likely yield you nothing but frustrations.

8. Slow load time

People are always in a hurry. They want to get in, grab the information they need to make a decision, and get out. If your website is slow, they're more likely to leave before they learn anything about your business or organization.
47% of consumers expect a web page to load in under two seconds.

If you're concerned with SEO, and you should be, Google will also penalize you for a slow page load speed. Google considers the User Experience as a top tier ranking factor. They use multiple metrics to determine this factor, but the one we can often control is page load speed.

9. Your competitor's sites look better than yours

If you're keeping an eye on your competitors, you'll know when they've updated their website. If their website looks cleaner, easier to navigate, optimized to convert, and designed with the user in mind, you might be at a disadvantage. Bottom line -- if your competitor's website makes you a little jealous, you should consider a website redesign as well. Staying competitive is essential to you company or organization.
Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business.

10. Your company has recently rebranded

It's common to change your branding over the course of your business. Just as you might update your logo for new trends, the same should go for your website. You want to be consistent with your branding, your look and feel, throughout your website and other platforms such as social media. Having a consistent brand and message helps reinforce your brand to visitors, provides a level of approval or trust, which will result in leads and conversions.

11. Your site is not delivering the traffic, leads or conversions

Many websites are still strictly for information purposes, but that doesn't mean your website can't be your top salesperson or promotional tool for your business. If you're not receiving the traffic you should have for your industry, the contact requests or conversions of visitors submitting an inquiry or request, you should consider a website redesign to capture more leads. Your website is your number one sales and support hub and should be a resource for your employees and customers or clients.

12. Updating is tedious or difficult

Updating your website is a necessary task for the growth of your business or organization. If you can't update your website to reflect new product, services, promotions, photos, or any other static piece of information, then your website is officially stuck in the past. If dealing with your current web team is difficult or they don't respond in a timely manner, this is your sign to redesign with a different web design company.

13. Your website crashes often

Website crashes can happen for a variety of reasons. It's often due to the hosting servers no longer being compatible with your website software or Content Management System (CMS) -- or combination of the two. If your website crashes and unknowingly causes downtime, it may be costing your company or organization money, participation or even your reputation.

14. Your current web agency is non-responsive

This one goes without saying, but if you can't get in touch with the web team that built your website, you may have to start again from scratch with a new team. It's an unfortunate reality of the industry as people move on but choosing a reputable web design company and doing your due diligence with meeting a potential designer will go a long way for your future campaign. You would interview and research a new employee. Why wouldn't you do the same with anyone working on behalf of your company?

15. You're embarrassed to give out your website address

Your website is your 24/7 digital billboard for your business. It is the face of your business and should be looked at as an investment. If you aren't proud of your website or it doesn't reflect your current goals or business strategy, you should be in the market for a full redesign.

Webunderdog Web Design is a professional web design company in Huntsville, Alabama, offering "custom" web design, development & SEO services for businesses and organizations of all sizes througout the U.S. We've been in business since 2008, and we're an Elite Author on the world's top selling digital marketplace for commercial web themes and templates. We know our stuff. Have questions? Get in touch ⟶

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